Fresno Nightcrawler

Still from home security camera, Anonymous Homeowner, 2007


It all starts in Fresno, California in 2007. A concerned anonymous homeowner brought in security footage to the local Univision tv station, looking for answers which never ended up materializing. They gained the name "Nightcrawlers" when the video was featured on the SyFy Fact of Faked: Paranormal Files tv show, to the confusion of its growing fans (since they clearly are walking, not crawling - it's one of their core features).

It wouldn't be until 2011 that they were sighted again, this time in Yosemite National Park security footage, this time as a pair.

In 2017, another supposed sighting in Poland.

What are they? There is little consensus. Some say cryptid, others say alien. Of any popular unknown creatures, the Fresno Nightcrawler might be both the silliest and most enigmatic!